Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works Worldwide Tweet Project!
To commemorate fans all over the world simultaneously enjoying the new anime series, Fate/stay night UBW starting this weekend, we have green-lit a worldwide tweet project! This is a great opportunity to share our thoughts and “enjoy the show with everyone in the world!”
We’d love to make our viewing experience exciting with fans worldwide by sharing everyone’s tweets on the Japanese official homepage. Fans can tweet every week using a hashtag matching the episode every week.
When fans follow the official Japanese twitter, @Fate_SN_Anime, and tweet using the designated hashtag each week, 7 lucky fans will be chosen to receive an exclusive prize through a direct message—an image of a specially illustrated signboard by that episode’s Animation Director!
(Tweet must be made within 48 hours of the episode air time in Japan)
Participating tweets must include the specific hashtag and one of the following: a comment or critique about the aired episode, an artistic illustration or photos, you can be creative! We’re also planning to give our followers exclusive wallpapers and avatars each week.
We’re looking forward to everyone’s participation!
Click here to see the tweet feed on the official Japanese site
Anybody who tweets using the designated hashtag for that week’s episode
1Please follow the official Japanese twitter: @Fate_SN_Anime
2Please include the hashtag assigned for that week’s episode (a new hashtag will be assigned each week) AND a comment or critique of that episode or something to describe that episode (text, art, photos, etc.)
3Out of the participating tweets, 7 winners will be chosen randomly to receive an image of the Art Director’s specially illustrated signboard through a direct message.
October 4th (Sat) : #fate00
(please remember to place a space before you type the # sign to correctly display the hashtag)
*Re-tweets will not be recognized as entries
*1Photo/ 1 image per tweet
*Submissions will be updated every 5 minutes and will not be displayed immediately. If it is not updated, please refresh your browser page.
*Entries for the weekly drawing must follow the official Japanese twitter account, @Fate_SN_Anime
*Entries for the weekly drawing must be from tweets constructed within 48 hours of the air time (Japan time) of the episode
*Tweets with the following content(s) will be deleted:
-Contents demonstrating copyright infringement
-Contents compromising anybody’s privacy
-Any materials demonstrating illegal, threatening, defamatory, insulting, obscene or offensive content
*The prize illustrations for each week’s raffle are scheduled to be displayed in the ufotable café in the future.
Click here to see the tweet feed on the official Japanese site